Now known as Comedy Central, this broadcaster carries comedy programming, both original and syndicated and is specific to audiences within the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Paramount Comedy Channel was launched as a television brand in the United Kingdom on November 1, 1995. In both the United Kingdom and Spain the channel originally shared the broadcast channel with corporate sibling Nickelodeon, but later the two separated. In Arabia, the channel timeshared with TV Land but the two networks disappeared in 2000. It broadcasts a mixture of comedy series (both local and international) and original programming with local and international comedians.
My involvement with Paramount came after two comedy writers approached myself and a colleague with a commission they had been given to produce pilot scripts and episodes for a six-part comedy series called Extraordinary Lives, an interlinked series of situation and character sketches. I Produced and Directed two 30 minute pilot episodes for them as well as test material for other episodes.